
The Netherlands

Ardoer Recreatiepark ’n Kaps

Promo title

Kleine familiecamping in het rustieke Twentse landschap, waar bossen en houtwallen worden afgewisseld door authentieke plaatsjes, havezathen en musea.

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Family camping in the rustic Twente countryside. Around the campsite you have many cycling and walking opportunities. A child friendly campsite with an animation team for the holiday period. A very nice campsite where camping is good. The sanitary facilities are very good and very clean. There is a very good restaurant on the campsite and there are also skittle alleys. The rental accommodations are open throughout the year. So a campsite where everything has been thought of.

Ardoer Recreatiepark ’n Kaps
Tibsweg 2 7651 KP Tubbergen The Netherlands
Telefon number
N52 24' 36" E6 48' 20"
N52.41004 E6.80573"

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