
The Netherlands

Natuurcamping De Hoogte

Promo title

Ruime natuurcamping in de kop van Overijssel, vanwaar u mooie fiets- en wandelroutes kunt volgen door het Drents-Friese Wold, de Weerribben en Wieden.

Beautiful spacious nature camping in the head of Overijssel in the middle of the national parks, Drentse-Friese Wold and the Weerribben-Wieden. Ideal environment for walking and cycling. A real campsite for rest and nature seekers. There is a passport area section. At the campsite there is a swimming pool that is also suitable for children. From the campsite you can make cycling and walking tours, and a campfire is regularly lit. Beautiful family campsite with spacious pitches and well maintained modern sanitary facilities.

Natuurcamping De Hoogte
Van Karnebeeklaan 2 D 8347 WB Eesveen/Steenwijkerland The Netherlands
Telefon number
N52 49' 46" E6 7' 30"
N52.82960 E6.12509"

Happy Campings in Overijssel

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