
The Netherlands

Camping Buytenplaets Boekelo

Promo title

Een camping temidden van het fraaie Twents coulissenlandschap met z'n vele boswallen en landerijen.

A beautifully located campsite in a beautiful Twente couliessen landscape. A campsite in the middle of free nature. The campsite is located near a large day recreation center "the Rutbeek" with a surf pond, a water ski track and a large natural pool with its sandy beach. Also in the vicinity a traditional cheese factory in the rustic village of Buurse.

Camping Buytenplaets Boekelo
Oude Deldenerweg 125 7548 PM Boekelo The Netherlands
Telefon number
N52 12' 14" E6 47' 54"
N52.20390 E6.79858"

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