
The Netherlands

Bungalowpark & Camping De Roskamp

Promo title

Kleine, rustige gezinscamping bij een bungalowpark, nabij attractiepark Slagharen en de vijvertuinen van Ada Hofman gelegen. Ook zeer geschikt voor 50

Camping "De Roskamp" is a small camping site in the beautiful surroundings of Hardenberg and Gramsbergen. This area is a great hiking and cycling area The campsite is part of a beautiful bungalow park. There is a swimming pool for young and old, and there is a sport and playing field, and a cozy canteen with a beautiful terrace where the host and hostess are always there for you. The pond gardens of Ada Hofman are close by, and you just skip the border to our eastern neighbors.

Bungalowpark & Camping De Roskamp
Roskampweg 2 7778 HJ Gramsbergen/+Loozen The Netherlands
Telefon number
N52 35' 19" E6 40' 14"
N52.58870 E6.67063"

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