North Brabant

The Netherlands

Camping De Witte Plas

Promo title

Een ideale uitvalsbasis voor fietsers, wandelaars, ruiters en natuurliefhebbers.

Family campsite De Witte Plas, near the Belgian border, is surrounded by forests, fens and moors. An ideal base for cyclists, hikers, riders and nature lovers, but also young families with small children can enjoy themselves here. The campsite has an indoor pool with slide, waterfall children's pool and a pleasant temperature, as well as a brand new playground. There are two tourists, one near the playground and an outdoor field that lies just outside the campsite itself. Dogs are allowed, provided they are kept on a leash.

Camping De Witte Plas
Molendreef 5 4721 SE Schijf The Netherlands
Telefon number
N51 30' 21" E4 33' 55"
N51.50610 E4.56529"

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