
The Netherlands

Recommended Campsites in the area

Camping Lindenhof

Promo title

Een schitterend gelegen camping op één van de landingsterreinen van Operatie Market Garden 1944 en grenzend aan een gebied van natuurmonumenten.

This campsite, adjacent to a site of natural monuments, is beautifully situated just outside Wolfheze. From here you can take part in excursions i.s.m. natural monuments. Campers with a seasonal pitch even receive a free membership. The camp site is located on one of the landing grounds of Operation Market Garden 1944. This will take place around 17 Sept. commemorated with droppings from the 1st British airborne division. At the campsite there is also an exhibition space about these gliders (gliders).

Camping Lindenhof
Wolfhezerweg 111 /113 6874 AD Wolfheze The Netherlands
Telefon number
N51 58' 41" E5 48' 2"
N51.97811 E5.80078"

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