

Recommended Campsites in the area

Camping L'Olivette

Promo title

Goedverzorgde, schaduwrijke (doortrek)camping met leuk restaurant, acht kilometer van Spanje en dichtbij het meer van Saint Jean Pla de Corts.

Camping L'Olivette is a well-kept campsite and is located between the mountains. The cheerful oleanders at the entrance provide a cozy atmosphere. The shady camping pitches are sheltered by many olive trees. In addition, the campsite is very suitable as a transit camp, because the Spanish border is only 8 kilometers away. If you do not feel like cooking yourself, you can sit down in the restaurant. You can enjoy a snack and a drink outside on the terrace, or in the restaurant. Do you want to go to sea? The campsite is twenty minutes from the sea and five minutes from Lake Saint Jean. You can swim and enjoy yourself on the beach to your heart's content. If you want to completely relax for a day, visit the thermal bath across the street. This campsite was awarded 2 ** stars by the prefecture (department).

Camping L'Olivette
Route du Perthus RN9 66160 Le Boulou France
Telefon number
N42 30' 34" E2 49' 37"
N42.50972 E2.82722"

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