
Camping at campsites in England

Campings in Engeland

• Bezoek wereldstad Londen vanaf de campings in Engeland
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Natuur in Engeland

Engeland vormt samen met Schotland en Wales het Verenigd Koninkrijk. Het klimaat in er gematigd, in het zuiden zijn de temperaturen aanzienlijk hoger. Het landschap is indrukwekkend met glooiende heuvels en adembenemende kustlijnen.

Bezoek wereldstad Londen vanaf de campings in Engeland

Breng een bezoek vanaf de campings in Engeland aan de wereldstad Londen. Neem een kijkje in de Londen Eye, het reuzenrad dat je op 135 meter hoogte de stad van een andere kant laat bekijken. Maar ook Buckingham Palace, de Big Ben en de Tower Bridge zijn enkele highlights die je niet mag missen.

Eten & Drinken

Natuurlijk kennen we allemaal het English Breakfast met de witte bonen in tomatensaus. Maar heb je al eens een échte Fish ‘nd Chips gegeten? Of ga gezellig in de middag genieten van een Afternoon Tea, met allerlei lekkere zoete en hartige lekkernijen. Nog meer gezelligheid vindt je in één van de pubs rond de campings. Kortom, laat je gastronomisch verrassen in de omgeving van een van de vele campings in Engeland.

Praktische informatie

Een geldig paspoort is verplicht. Bestuurders van motorvoertuigen moeten een geldig rijbewijs, een kentekenbewijs en een groene kaart hebben. Wanneer je met een aanhangwagen of een caravan rijdt, dien je de papieren bij je hebben. Engeland is geen lid van de EU. De Britse Pond is de nationale munteenheid.


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345 recommended campings in England

At camping Tavistock you camp in the beautiful nature park Dartmoor. Peace, space and nature are the most important elements. In the vicinity of the campsite there is plenty of walking and cycling opportunities. Guides are available on the campsite. Campers can enjoy playing and recreational fields with picnic tables and ... SHOW MORE
A friendly and rural campsite on the Northumberland coast 15 km from Alnwick with Garden and Castle (known from Harry Potter movies). The flat terrain of the campsite is divided into 3 grass fields separated by planting. Cows and sheep graze in the immediate vicinity. The beach is about 3 km. From the ferry in Newcastle i ... SHOW MORE
Verwood Camping & Caravanning Club Site is divided over several beautiful and well-groomed fields. The somewhat dated but clean toilet facilities are located at the reception. The campsite is on the edge of the New Forest. The New Forest is a 375 km2 forest and moorland in 1080 appointed royal hunting area by William the ... SHOW MORE
7 Acres Park camping is on the edge of Eskadale Valley with many streams, beautiful forests and many cycling and walking opportunities. You can fish well for trout. The 7 Acres campsite is on the A595 that takes you to Gosforth in a few minutes. Here are many cozy shops and restaurants. Sea and beach are 12 km from the ... SHOW MORE
Hoburn Cotswold Family Holiday Park is a large site with many recreational opportunities. In the surroundings of Hoburn Cotswold a lot of water sports are practiced and many events are held. There is also a national park, a zoo and perfume factory to see. In the village of Bibury you can find a beautifully situated forela ... SHOW MORE
Hendra Holiday Park is a very extensive family campsite with all the comfort that one wishes for young and old, such as various arcades, a train, scooters, swimming pool, playing fields and a shop. Various activities are organized. SHOW MORE
Very luxurious family camp site with lots of play possibilities including whitewater, bungee jumping, and much more. Camping in a beautiful setting, with private bus service to the beach. SHOW MORE
Summer Valley Touring Park is a beautiful, park-like site that fits well into the landscape of Cornwall. The campsite is well maintained. There is mainly grassland with many trees and shrubs. There is a cozy indoor space with, among other things, children's books. Outside is a nice play corner. There is separate room for ... SHOW MORE
The campsite is well situated for overnight accommodation on arrival / departure by boat. Fishing, horse riding and miniature golf is near the campsite. In Duxford is an airplane museum (about 10 miles). From Highfield Farm Touring Park a 5-mile bike path leads to the city of Cambridge. In Cambridge, the Anglesey Abbey an ... SHOW MORE
Camping in Yorkshire at camping Scharborough CCC Site. The campsite is located just north of the Victorian seaside resort to which the flat terrain is named. It is the ideal base to explore the many attractions of the Yorkshire coastline with its cliffs and beaches or to enjoy the North York Moors inland. There is a wel ... SHOW MORE


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